Over-Thinking ?

Hello readers, hope you are doing good. This is our first post here and whats better topic than "Overthinking" , right? 

We all think and as human and evolving species we are wired to think so that we can survive - this is pretty common thing to do right? yes , of-course it is . But thinking can sometime lead to exhaustion , have you ever experienced this phenomenon ? well  many might have and the time when thinking leads to exhaustion is what our concern is . That is not THINKING but its OVERTHINKING. 

Everyone of us have gone through this at some point of our life - we THOUGHT ...THOUGHT......& GOT TIRED. We keep thinking in our minds and the words that are dominating that time are mostly "what if "  or "should" . We are not able to sleep because we are still thinking of that past event which of-course we can't change  now and in that process of thinking we are cutting ourselves from the PRESENT. And my dear readers if you constantly keep on doing this then this becomes a Habit and keeps on looping and with time it gets harder to come out from this.

So now you might be wondering then whats the solution for this ? well , first you need to understand and acknowledge that this is a MENTAL HABIT and as any other habit this can be broken too. So the solution to OVERTHINKING is to replace the thought , yes you read that right and that is being said by  clinical psychologist Catherine Pittman, an associate professor in the psychology department at Saint Mary’s College in Notre Dame, Indiana.  Telling yourself to not to have a certain thought is not the way to not have the thought,” she says.”You need to replace the thought.” 
For example if i tell you not to think about whatsapp , what will you think ? yes that's right you will think about whatsapp. And if you dont want to think about whatsapp then make up an image of lets say a garden full of roses.  well thats how you Replace thought.

You can also control your ruminating habit by connecting with your senses. Begin to notice what you can hear, see, smell, taste, and feel.
The idea is to reconnect with your immediate world and everything around you. When you begin to notice, you spend less time in your head.

It takes practise but with time you can recognise when you are worrying unnecessarily and choose to do something in real instead of spending a lot of time in your head also with practise you can perceive things in a different way and stop the stress of overthinking.

stay tuned for more post ! 


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