People and Fake news.

image : Getty images & scientific american

In Internet age there is ample of information accessible right at your fingertips. But how much of that easily available information is accurate or factual ? that's the main concern here.We humans tend to believe on most of the things we see on the Internet . Ever wondered why ? well read on....

2 Associate professors from University of Texas conducted research on why people tend to follow fake news.The Researchers analysed 61 previous researches to explore the persuasive impact of different type of evidence on Decision-Making (study published at Organizational Behavior and Human Decision ProcessesVolume 160, September 2020 ) . Analysis showed that people show bias towards personal stories rather than facts during emergency or hard times.They become more emotionally charged when they perceive themselves under threat so they Ignore all scientific data & facts.

And Readers this explains why we get so much of fake news trending during unusual times & emergencies. So rely on facts and data instead of going with your gut. 

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