
People and Fake news.

image : Getty images & scientific american In Internet age there is ample of information accessible right at your fingertips. But how much of that easily available information is accurate or factual ? that's the main concern here.We humans tend to believe on most of the things we see on the Internet . Ever wondered why ? well read on.... 2 Associate professors from University of Texas conducted research on why people tend to follow fake news.The Researchers analysed 61 previous researches to explore the persuasive impact of different type of evidence on Decision-Making (study published at  Organizational Behavior and Human Decision ProcessesVolume 160, September 2020 ) . Analysis showed that people show bias towards personal stories rather than facts during emergency or hard times.They become more emotionally  charged when they perceive themselves under threat so they Ignore all scientific data & facts. And Readers this explains why we get so much of fake ne

Do men seek mental help ?

Hello readers, hope you're doing good. How many of you have come across a depressed men ? I bet ,,,well not many , and the simplest reason behind this is due to the fear of what will the society think of them. The findings from the study published by a professor of University of Kansas ( Brian Cole ) showed that men view the traditional depression symptoms as more severe than any other and they perceived those men with same traditional symptoms as less masculine.And this finding  helps in understanding why men do or don't seek help and the stigma behind mental health of men. image :psycom Also the professor added that men don’t always experience depression in the same ways that women do, so when they look to traditional symptoms of depression they might determine that they ‘are not depressed’ or that they ‘don’t need help.’ The study has been published in the Journal Psychology of Men & Masculinities, So readers since now you have this information available yo

Can Meditation elevate your mood?

Hello Readers, hope you all are fine. We live in a world which is so much fast paced , sometime its essential  to slow down, sit back and relax isn't it ?  That is where meditation  comes in - it cultivates a calm yet focused mind. As per a study ( Behavioural Brain Research,Volume 356, 1 January 2019  ) researchers conducted a experiment to study more about mindfulness and meditation benefits. 42 non-experienced meditators were divided into 2 groups - one group did a 13 minute mindfulness meditation whereas the other group listened to 13 minute podcast.After neuro-psychological test were conducted it was seen that on 4 week mark no significant change was achieved.However the scenario changed on 8 week mark.Mindfulness meditation practitioners showed elevated mood levels , more emotional control and less stressed to different circumstances as compared to podcast listeners.  ( image credits:above mentioned study )  Now readers we can safely conclude that daily meditatio

What has breakfast to do with Depression?

Hello there , hope you guys are doing good. I am back here with another post related to mental well-being. This is a tough and long journey but don't worry together we will fight and win. We as humans have survived from many calamities and are constantly evolving day by day.If you look back men were mostly hunters, men used to go to hunting and bring food for the rest of community so that everyone could eat ,generate energy for the body and mind and of-course survive another day. Food plays an important role for a healthy body and mind as our body absorbs the nutrients required for proper functioning from food that we feed to ourselves. Now a days due to our busy life we somehow fail to acknowledge the importance of food and likewise we skip breakfast , have lunch at different times and so on. But my dear readers what if you come to know that skipping breakfast can lead to depression symptoms , will you then still skip it ? well i bet NOPE. No one wants Depression to ruin thei

Over-Thinking ?

Hello readers, hope you are doing good. This is our first post here and whats better topic than "Overthinking" , right?  We all think and as human and evolving species we are wired to think so that we can survive - this is pretty common thing to do right? yes , of-course it is . But thinking can sometime lead to exhaustion , have you ever experienced this phenomenon ? well  many might have and the time when thinking leads to exhaustion is what our concern is . That is not THINKING but its OVERTHINKING.   Everyone of us have gone through this at some point of our life - we THOUGHT ...THOUGHT......& GOT TIRED. We keep thinking in our minds and the words that are dominating that time are mostly " what if "   or " should" . We are not able to sleep because we are still thinking of that past event which of-course we can't change  now and in that process of thinking we are cutting ourselves from the PRESENT. And my dear readers if you constantly kee